Collection: Foundation Cigars

11 products

Nicholas Melillo is a renowned figure in the premium cigar industry and the founder of Foundation Cigar Company, known for producing high-quality, handcrafted cigars. He started his career at 18 in a Connecticut cigar shop and later worked for Drew Estate, developing popular blends. In 2015, he established Foundation Cigar Company to create unique cigars for both novice and experienced smokers. Melillo is celebrated for his expertise in tobacco growing and blending, using only the finest quality tobaccos. His blends are known for their complex and nuanced flavors. Melillo has traveled extensively, learning from top cigar makers worldwide. His signature blend, El Güegüense, was named consensus cigar of the year in 2015, and its Maduro version, The Wise Man, was ranked #3 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado. Other notable blends include the Tabernacle, featuring a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. Highly regarded in the industry, Melillo's cigars have earned numerous accolades and a loyal following. He is also an advocate for the premium cigar industry, actively lobbying to protect cigar makers' and smokers' rights.