Collection: Lure Cigars

8 products

Lou's dad taught him to live simply, think positively, be kind, and work hard. He loved fishing and cigars, and some of the best memories were made when they fished together. It didn't matter where they fished, they fished in ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Growing up, they had a small pond behind their house and a 14' john boat. Weather permitting, they would head out at dawn, tackle boxes ready. Drift with the wind, sipping coffee and smoking cigars as the sun rose. 

As his dad aged, they had fewer boat outings but still enjoyed cigars together. In June 2023, his father celebrated his 90th birthday with a final cigar, surrounded by family. A few weeks later, he passed away peacefully. Friends and fellow cigar enthusiasts shared stories of their times with him.

In his honor, Lou created Lure Cigars to remember those cherished moments and to encourage others to "Smoke Great Cigars & Tell Tall Tales."