Protocol cigars represent the signature brand of Cubariqueño Cigar Co., a boutique company founded by New York Metropolitan area police officers Juan Cancel and Bill Ives. Crafted in Nicaragua by renowned cigar blender Erik Espinosa at his La Zona factory, Protocol was introduced nationwide in 2015 to stellar reviews. The company has since developed three distinct selections: Protocol, Probable Cause, and Themis, distinguished by blue, red, and gold bands, respectively.
All Protocol cigars feature a flavorful core of fully-aged Nicaraguan long-fillers wrapped in dark Ecuadorian Habano wrappers for the robust Protocol Blue series. The medium-plus Probable Cause line boasts a savory Mexican San Andreas wrapper, while the medium-bodied Themis selection is adorned with a plush Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper.
Whether you seek to unwind after a long day on the job or enjoy a relaxing moment during vacation, Protocol offers a cigar for every taste and occasion. Don't delay in adding these exquisite Nicaraguan cigars to your collection.